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Trying to keep the forums active a little longer; read something write something

Started by Lonely_Days-_Dreamer, Jul 22, 2023, 05:13 PM

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 I wouldn't want this place to end up like Mother Forever Forums (It was about Earthbound)- and disappear without a trace. Here; I know I already posted this on the Discord but I'm offering to post this story for you to read-

 I used to hang out in the nurse's office of the any school I ever went to because I have a chronic illness. Which usually ended with me, befriending the nurses- But that's unrelated to the story.

 One day, after lunch, I went to nurse's office and there was a primary school kid there before I entered the room. He was there because he hit his head while they were skipping on their classes floor with their socks, pretty much like ice skiing. The nurse told him off, gave him some ice and the boy went his away.
10 minutes or so later the principle rushed running in and he was holding the boy in his arms.
 So the boy had hit his head to one of the metal desks after he returned to sock skiining in the class.Damn, blood is even redder than they show on TV.

I don't know what become of him, never seen him again- Maybe it's because elementary was on a seperate building and our roads never crossed again or that I'm just bad with faces.

 Okay, now that you read that placeholder, you will not have to write something in exchange. I don't really care what it is.
战绝美 燃遍最世火华 但 总有一朵花 只为你拼命绽放

I will not have to write something in exchange? Ok then, I guess I won't.

but nah I remember one time in second grade I kicked another kid's tooth out. complete accident, but I felt kind of bad when he was all bleeding and crying and shit. See, we were doing some kind of dumb thing in music class where we were supposed to dance around like idiots and fall on the floor when the music stopped, and on one of the fall downs my foot slammed into a buddy's face. luckily he wasn't seriously injured and it all worked out

 Did I seriously typed "not" after typing "you will"? How the hell did I even managed to make that mistake?

 Well- Too late it fix it now, I guess.
战绝美 燃遍最世火华 但 总有一朵花 只为你拼命绽放

I think you can edit posts

edit: yep

 I can't edit your post to not mention the part with error, so no need.
战绝美 燃遍最世火华 但 总有一朵花 只为你拼命绽放