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Messages - Stevie Akers

my life is like a video game / Re: FPS Thread
Aug 26, 2024, 11:16 PM
I might check out Vladik, but it doesn't appeal to me aesthetically. Gameplay seems fun enough.
someone definitely survives in the process to tell the tale, wonder who.
Quote from: Care on Jul 30, 2023, 10:18 PMFinally played Fear and Hunger. Fell into a literal SHIT PIT, cut off a little girl's arms and legs, fed her to a Human Hydra, and sacrificed her to some old gods. All in all, pretty cozy game! (Oh yeah, don't forget, I fed the girl her arms and legs too!!!)

so mean.....
I guess the angels/gods in TGT are no better than Satan. Sounds like a MegaTen situation.
Wonder what kind of shenanigans Wilson and Willow would be up to.