Now with hookers and beer!

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my life is like a video game / Re: FPS Thread
Last post by commodorian - Jun 26, 2024, 05:38 PM
Quote from: cc on Jun 23, 2024, 02:25 PMperfect dark just came out on switch so maybe i'll play that
Perfect Dark is one that's on my bucket list. I'm sure there's a PC port, but if not I can just emulate.
Quote from: commodorian on Jun 23, 2024, 12:53 PMThis chapter's gonna be great! I'll also be rolling out some new features for /read.php on over the course of the chapter. Namely a comment section for each page that's powered by this forum!

Tails Gets Trolled discussion / Re: Chapter 28 Hype Thread
Last post by commodorian - Jun 23, 2024, 07:19 PM
The forum in my opinion is the best solution because it comes pre-packaged with things we'll need for a comment section, and is far less work for me ;D
Tails Gets Trolled discussion / Re: Chapter 28 Hype Thread
Last post by cc - Jun 23, 2024, 02:26 PM
maybe we should use a different system for comment pages but i think it'd probably get spammed either way so w/e
my life is like a video game / Re: FPS Thread
Last post by cc - Jun 23, 2024, 02:25 PM
perfect dark just came out on switch so maybe i'll play that
General / Re: Haven't read in a long whi...
Last post by cc - Jun 23, 2024, 02:25 PM
"Many people are talking about this!" - trump

idk how similar it is to tgt besides being "weird shitty cringe ms paint XD" but it's good that it reminds people of tgt
Tails Gets Trolled discussion / Chapter 28 Hype Thread
Last post by commodorian - Jun 23, 2024, 12:53 PM

Who's excited?

This chapter's gonna be great! I'll also be rolling out some new features for /read.php on over the course of the chapter. Namely a comment section for each page that's powered by this forum! 

To those who are guests at the moment, you'll need to sign up here to comment. The forum is currently experiencing lots of bot traffic for sign-ups, so they're manually accepted (by me). If you think I'm being too slow you're welcome to email me at Just know I also get sign-up notifications to that address, so by the time I notice you complaining I've also noticed you've signed up. If you've got a weird email address and think I might dismiss your sign-up, email me. We'll get it sorted out.

Great things are coming down the pike!

my life is like a video game / Re: FPS Thread
Last post by commodorian - Jun 16, 2024, 06:16 PM
I've recently been playing Selaco. Very beautiful game, but personally the gameplay doesn't click with me nearly as much as something like CULTIC or Nightmare Reaper. I do absolutely appreciate the attention to detail. Everything on a table has interactions with explosions, bullets, or punches. In the heat of battle, it becomes quite the pink bloodbath.

Anyway, anyone else been playing FPSes?
my life is like a video game / FPS Thread
Last post by commodorian - Jun 16, 2024, 06:11 PM
Welcome to the FPS thread! Here we discuss first-person-shooters. That's it.
General / Re: Haven't read in a long whi...
Last post by commodorian - Jun 16, 2024, 05:58 PM
Kinda swag tbh. I've gotta figure out how to have my downloader I use download from TikTok.