Now with hookers and beer!

Introductions Thread

Started by SoggyStuff, Jul 10, 2023, 05:36 PM

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Welcome to the Tails Gets Trolled Forum! You are welcome to introduce yourself here if you'd like. Feel free to talk about when or how you found out about TGT, what you're looking forward to seeing in the future, your social security number and home address, other interests, and/or any other things you'd like to share.

You should also familiarize yourself with the rules before posting.

Note: Other Introduction/"I just joined!" threads will be locked and removed. Please post intros here and here only.

I'm Rahz, I've been on the art team since 2019 and I've known about TGT since 2017 during the annual christmas storytime on /v/. I study Old English and Germanic Migration Period history, and I really like webcomics.
Check out my website, Idelides, where I rant about various comics only I have ever read

i'm Alien, also known as Alien Businessman / The Only Alien Ever / Predator's Worst Enemy / More Intelligent Than U / Saw Sigourney Weaver in Her God Damn Panties

knew about tails gets trolled since the god damn SA goons were jerking off to it. also longtime friend of tgt site admin, CC.

in the future looking forward to seeing more dope ass aliens like me in the comic, and bulma's titties.

social security number is 696-96-9696, home address is 666 Fuck You Hollywood Hills, other interests include fucking your mom, and yea i'd like to share that i also got a 20-inch alien dick

see you later space cowgay

Hi, I am Lonely Days' Dreamer- (Yes, the -'- is important), or LDD for short. I'm currently one of the working artist on TGT in the time of writting, I have already worked on some stuff, even tho it's not a lot for now.

I was drawn to Tails Gets Trolled because I was always drawn to niche media with cult followings and a legancy, than I saw someone had filmed themselves talking about the plot of the comic for one and a half hours and it was such a blast that I told myself "I have to see this thing for myself for sure", so I did. I usually get bored and drop stuff all the time but TGT was a rollercoster in .png form. It unironicly succeeded to put tears into my eyes. I was already making art since forever, and I have dreams of one day making something just as crazy and beloved, so when I saw that they had put out a "Help Wanted" poster in the main page my heart was transported to the very first episode of Spongebob Squirepants. I even would have joined earlier if I could .

Damn, I'm really wasting space in everyone's monitors right now with my life story & stuff, my security number is छह नौ एक सात मक्का शून्य सात खाया नौ, I live on Shadow Realm, Jimbo, Liverway near the Jerry's Bait Shop (you know the place) and I'll see you around.

I hope you are looking forward to see shit from me just as much as I look forward to put shit out there. Even tho I currently don't put unrelated work anywhere else right now. I'll make sure to let everyone know once I start.

-Man, I missed writing on a good ol' forum, my last and only experince with one was with Mother Forever back when they had an active forum and before it dissappeared without a trace while I was not looking.-
战绝美 燃遍最世火华 但 总有一朵花 只为你拼命绽放


Quote from: Rahz on Jul 10, 2023, 09:19 PMI'm Rahz, I've been on the art team since 2019 and I've known about TGT since 2017 during the annual christmas storytime on /v/. I study Old English and Germanic Migration Period history, and I really like webcomics.
Check out my website, Idelides, where I rant about various comics only I have ever read

for some reason i assumed you were a guy. also cool site

i might write an introduction later


Quote from: Rahz on Jul 10, 2023, 09:19 PMI'm Rahz, I've been on the art team since 2019 and I've known about TGT since 2017 during the annual christmas storytime on /v/. I study Old English and Germanic Migration Period history, and I really like webcomics.
Check out my website, Idelides, where I rant about various comics only I have ever read
Nice site man.

I'd recommend adding alt="" tags to your images to help blind/text-only readers understand what the images are for. The file tags mostly do this but having alt text is usually better. Check out my site for a reference. now has alt text on most images, at least on index and pages.
deez nuts : )
goat ham


Hi, I am Care and I am cool. I have been reading TGT since like 2018-2019.

TGT kind of caught my eye because I thought some of the panels looked funny and I love weird ass stories that seem like jokes, but are serious.

I like Wario and a lot of other things but mostly Wario. Thanks for watching and don't forget to subscribe and hit that like button in its hairy testicles.
Sometimes I come up here to think about why I'm sad almost all the time


Quote from: Care on Jul 18, 2023, 10:58 PMHi, I am Care and I am cool. I have been reading TGT since like 2018-2019.

TGT kind of caught my eye because I thought some of the panels looked funny and I love weird ass stories that seem like jokes, but are serious.

I like Wario and a lot of other things but mostly Wario. Thanks for watching and don't forget to subscribe and hit that like button in its hairy testicles.

cool pfp, i need to finish clover

Overbite Troll

Hey there fellow Troll Slaiyers. I'm the Overbite Troll here because I have an overbite and I'm uuuuuuuuugly! Anyways, I first stumbled across the TGT universe when finding the classic SomethingAwful dub on YouTube. I got hooked into it, and surprising no one here but everyone else not here, I think it's one of the best written modern works of our time.
Over the past few years, I've become something of a Sonic acolyte, with TGT still managing to make compelling stories with these characters and many more when official sources can't. I also like drawing and writing things from time to time, so you may see that come up occassionally.
hahahahah look at that dumbass noob always feeding .


Quote from: cc on Jul 19, 2023, 08:52 PMcool pfp, i need to finish clover

Clover is pretty sick, I recently finished the entire pokedex, all 386 of the fucking bastards
Sometimes I come up here to think about why I'm sad almost all the time

Basic Bronze Sonic

Hi I'm Basic Bronze Sonic, I've been reading Tails Gets Trolled for two years now.

I'm an artist, voice actor, and music composer and am scared of Nintendo taking down my entire internet presence everyday because of my Kirby Remixes album.
I'm an artist, voice actor, and music composer. And those are the three reasons why I matter here.